Reservoir Drive

August 2023

Reservoir Drive Repaving and Safety Improvements
Coinciding with the completion of the stone bridge restoration, DOMI is planning to repave Reservoir Drive.

View their presentation at the HPCC’s August Community Meeting here:

Despite the addition of much needed crosswalks and dedicated lanes for cyclists and pedestrians, community members voiced concerns about repaving the road in its entirety. Concerns were raised that a resurfaced road may actually result in more speeding, and that the city is missing an opportunity to reduce the amount of asphalt and increase the amount of greenery around the road.  For more info and to provide your feedback, visit EngagePgh – Reservoir Drive Repaving

July 2020

Reservoir Drive Public Safety Enhancements – Pilot Project

In January, a working group formed to develop a pilot project to increase safety for park users along Reservoir Drive. Its goal was to develop a pilot project that would incorporate public feedback from the summer 2020 temporary road closure while allowing vehicle access at safe speeds. This group includes community residents, the Highland Park Community Council, City Councilwoman Deborah Gross, and representatives of several City departments. 

As a result of this effort, the City’s Department of Mobility and Infrastructure (DOMI) developed plans for a pilot project that emphasize the recreational needs of park users while keeping the road open to vehicles. The plan includes traffic calming elements such as new crosswalks at key intersections, better signage and lane markings, and a reduction of the speed limit from 25 mph to 15 mph. DOMI anticipates that installation of these elements will begin this fall.

As this is a pilot project, the materials are basic in design and temporary. Community engagement to obtain input on the long-term adoption of these changes and/or others – such as decorative planters, custom-painted bump-outs, and other public safety and aesthetic enhancements – is expected next spring. For more information, contact Highland Park resident Tina Calabro at .

Related Slides are below.


Sept 2020 Update
On September 1, 2020, Reservoir Drive reopened to vehicular traffic and the barricades and signage related to the temporary closure were removed.

June 2020:  At the June 18, 2020 HPCC Community Zoom Meeting, the Director of the Department of Infrastructure and Development, Karina Risk, was on hand to answer questions about this project. Hillary Roman, ADA Coordinator with the City Planning Office, was also in attendance and answered some questions.  A summary from the meeting minutes is below:

  • This project was identified as temporary.
  • This project started out as a pilot at the “height” of the pandemic in response to comments/suggestions from the greater Pittsburgh community as seen in other cities where streets were being closed due to social distancing needs,
  • The City and Park Conversancy piloted the closure on two weekends.
  • The City originally thought all barriers/closures would be down/opened by the end of August, 2020.
  • They are now unsure as to the end date.
  • When pressed for a date on a decision from the City, Ms, Ricks stated that the earliest date for them to reach a decision on an outcome would be one to two weeks in the future. 
  • Response to ADA parking accommodation/parking issues from Ms. Roman:
    • The question remains “Do we keep it the way it is or go back to the original layout? That has not yet been decided”
    • Additional ADA parking could possibly be designated at the Park entrance.
  • Signage is needed to help adjustment to new traffic patterns in the Park. This is an immediate need.
  • Ms. Ricks invites all comments to be sent to: 

May 2020: At the May 21, 2020 HPCC Community Zoom Meeting, the HPCC went through a list of summer activities and closures that had been announced by the city in response to Covid-19.  One item mentioned was a proposal to close some roads in Highland Park that was still in the development stage.