HPCC Monthly Meeting with PlanPGH February 21st

Please join us Thursday, February 21 at 7:00PM at St. Andrew’s Church for the next monthly Highland Park Community Council meeting.

Andrew Dash, Senior Planner, City of Pittsburgh Department of City Planning, will present the OPENSPACEPGH plan. It is Pittsburgh’s first comprehensive guide to the optimal use of its vacant, green, and recreational spaces over the next 25 years.

It is a component of PLANPGH, the City’s first ever comprehensive long range plan. OPENSPACEPGH assesses the City’s entire parks system and makes recommendations as to where parks should be located and what levels of investment are planned for individual parks & facilities throughout its neighborhoods.

The plan also looks at how we can best utilize our hillsides and vacant properties to improve the quality of life for the City and its residents.

I hope to see you there!